
Parent Testimonials

"I value the teachers, the parent involvement and the strong academics in a Christian atmosphere."  Allison Wetzel, 2007 & 2011 Alumni Parent.

"High quality education with challenging curriculum and outstanding teachers.   Strong Christian element in every area of the school.   CCA avoids the indoctrination of social issues and worldly perspectives that you have in other schools."  Jeff Lowe, 2011 Alumni Parent and Current Parent.

"Basic Christian education combined with the “technology” of today to produce well rounded and well-adjusted scholars/athletes to enter the Public School arena and life in America.  The teachers make the difference because they can really teach."  Tom Spooner, 2011 Alumni Grandparent.

"They are taught about God in every subject.  They are taught respect for teachers and each other. The school encourages parental involvement and the curriculum challenges them.  The teachers are wonderful and Christians themselves, so the children are influenced daily by people who live out their faith in the classroom."  Andrea Briggs, 2013 Alumni Parent and Current Parent.

"Students receive a quality Christian education.  Safe environment and small teacher to student ratio.  Patriotism and manners are stressed.  CCA graduates have proven to successfully transition to high school and consistently maintain a high GPA.  The Word of God is being planted in the hearts and minds of our children.  Parental and family involvement is encouraged."  Glenda Weter, Current Grandparent.

"Consistent and structured education focused on faith."  Daniel Dody, Current Parent.

"This school teaches character building & patriotism, as well as Biblical lessons.  They use every opportunity as a chance to learn & grow.  Very high standards are held & academics are excellent.  Teachers have small classes & choose to be there.  This is exemplified in their relationships with the students & their families as well as their peers.  It is top notch – & I am not easily impressed!"  Christa Fisher, Former Parent.

"The teachers are really good and they take the time to help if your child has a problem.  They are easy to talk to about problems or concerns and they really make a difference in the children’s lives."  Casey Higgins, Current Parent.

"It is a great school teaching core Christian values."  Paul Howerton, Current Parent.

"Excellent teachers who educate our children in a Christian environment.  My child loves CCA.  Small class sizes and most importantly classes are not combined."  Susan Kemper, Current Parent.

"Great teachers and staff.  They are doing wonderful things at CCA.  My children are receiving an excellent Christian based education.  I am blessed to be able to have my children at CCA."  Ryan Mendenhall, Current Parent.

"Staff and teachers require a lot out of students and I think they have better students because of the requirements they put on the students."  Clyde Briggs, Current Grandparent.

"Christ centered, loving & concerned staff, challenges students scholastically & in personal growth toward responsibility & confidence, proven superiority in scholastic outcome, etc."  Jan Reid, 2011 & 2014 Alumni Grandparent.

"I want my son to have the best education possible and the school came highly recommended.   He continues to excel in his grades, over all skills and with interaction and behavior."  Christopher Cross, Former Parent.

Alumni Testimonials

"CCA helped shape me into the young woman I am today. It helped me install good morals and strengthen my relationship with God. It prepared me for high school and gave me a good foundation in the Bible. I know for fact, without CCA, I would not be the young woman I am today. It truly was a blessing my parents gave me."  Nicole Lee, Class of 2010.

"CCA helped me to become the person I am today with both my attitude and morals."  Brooklyn Sisk, Class of 2010.

"The education level is much higher than public school and it also gives a great biblical education to prepare children for the outside world."  Ben Griffey, Class of 2013.

"I am proud to say I am a CCA graduate.  My Christian education gave me a solid foundation of core values that remain with me to this day.  I give CCA a lot of credit for preparing me for a successful future rooted in Christ." Micah Melling, Class of 2007.

"Going to CCA was a great experience! The teachers were kind and caring. The small class sizes and one on one attention helped prepare me for high school.  I made many friends at CCA and they continue to be an influence in my life by their Christian influence." Zachary Adams, Class of 2010

"I love being a part of CCA. The teachers care about every student. The education I received was incredibly higher than public school. My values and beliefs grew strong so I could stand up for myself. I was able to talk to everyone about CCA and my relationship with Jesus my first day of high school. CCA is a wonderful school and I am glad to be an Alumni. My life wouldn’t be the same if I didn’t attend CCA." Alan Shriner, Class of 2008.

"I loved being a part of the Patriots family. The teachers were always there for me if I needed anything. The education I received gave me a huge boost over everyone else in High School. The other students in my class and I stick together. We are a family. We stick up for our family and don’t let them get hurt. I see now that CCA prepared us for the hardships of life. It taught me how to handle certain problems I faced in the public schools by going straight to the Lord in prayer. Sometimes it is hard to keep the morals I have learned into place, but I guess it is just the Lord testing me to see if still have faith. Thanks to CCA I have installed great morals and a very strong relationship with the Lord.  If I hadn’t gone to CCA my life would be totally different. I would not be the person I am today, without the help of CCA. I am so glad that I could have the opportunity to go to CCA." Brittany Miller, Class of 2014.

"Like most children at an early age, I was very impressionable. I needed good people around me that could teach me about God as well as give me a good education. I got all of this and more at CCA. Learning about the Bible every day firmly rooted me in my faith and helped me understand what God wanted for my life. Not only did I have a good basis for my faith by the time I left, I was well prepared for high school in my education as well. I graduated with a head start compared to the other freshmen, with all of my classes being mostly a review. CCA provided a fantastic starting point for me to go in the world, armed with God’s word and a good education." Riley Williams, Class of 2011.

"Going to CCA gave me such a great opportunity. The small classes allowed me to learn more and connect with the teachers. The teachers pushed me to become the best I could be and became important influences in my life. Most importantly, CCA strengthened my faith and gave me the morals that I have today." Hannah Adams, Class of 2014.

"I am beyond grateful for my education at CCA and the way each teacher poured into my life and truly wanted me and each of my classmates to understand what an amazing God we serve and how to have a personal relationship with Him. Small class sizes made learning much more one on one and my classmates were like family to me. CCA teachers wanted us to truly understand the curriculum and not just pass the test. I now realize how blessed I was to receive a Christian education and am so thankful for that as I use the things I have learned in high school and will use for the rest of my life."  Claire Lowe, Class of 2015

"CCA is such a positive environment for learning but more importantly, it has been an amazing place where teachers and students are able to encourage students spiritually.  It has been a huge blessing  in my life in more ways than I can imagine.  CCA has been a tool to shape me into the person I have become today.  It helps plant a foundation so deep that no one can ever take that away.  Teachers acquire real life scenarios and biblical principles and tie it in to the academics they teach.  Although times may be challenging with homework or the material seems hard, it pays off in the long run because CCA helps prepare kids where academically they will thrive and spiritually will grow into a selfless person.  CCA is an amazing experience and I am so thankful I got to go to CCA.  It helped prepare me for the world so I can go out and “prepare hearts and minds to impact the world for Jesus Christ”.  Col. 3:23."  Abigail Lewis, Class of 2016