
Jackie McClure

Physical Education

I am Jackie McClure a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. I have been blessed to be a part of CCA since 2006. I began as the After School Care Program teacher where I was able to work with the kids on their homework, sing songs, teach a Bible centered lesson with crafts, and see firsthand the children grow in the knowledge of Jesus. The Lord then opened up an opportunity for me to teach Physical Education as well as become the “Lunch Lady”. I love that I am able to daily encourage the students in both of my roles at CCA. God has created them all so unique and special so that they can bring Him the Glory. They can do this while competing in a sports activity, encouraging a friend to not give up and to be thankful for their health He gives them. I hope to encourage the children to have a desire for Jesus, a desire to be able to do His work by taking care of their bodies and making them strong, so that they can serve Him. My hope is that with the prayer and devotions that I use to teach them they truly “can do all things through Christ which strengthens them. (Phil. 4:13)

Your child will have physical education once a week. Students must wear tennis shoes to class. This is for their safety, comfort and full participation in class. Girls are expected to wear shorts under all skirts and dresses. Bringing water bottles to class is strongly suggested and encouraged. Making me aware of any health conditions if not already addressed in the office would be appreciated. Excused participation will be allowed with a signed doctors or parent note.

In physical education the expectations are that we come prepared to class to learn ways to stay healthy for the future and to be an encouragement to others as we work together through activities. We will be expected to try OUR best, how to work together as a team to succeed, respect others, the equipment and how all of what we learn can create in us a great heart (Character). By following these guidelines we will have a positive, successful and productive physical education experience.

You may contact Mrs. McClure at 660-890-2111 or


Nina Wetzel

Physical Education

My name is Nina Wetzel and I am excited to be helping out with the Elementary Physical Education program at CCA.  I received a Physical Education degree from the University of Central Missouri with a Master's degree in Special Reading.  My first job was teaching Elementary PE in Clinton and coaching the HS volleyball team.  I took a break from teaching to raise my two children and have loved being a stay at home mom.  I love Jesus, spending quality time with my family, being outdoors, skiing, crafting/painting, and I love horses and all animals.  I look forward to being a part of CCA, teaching and volunteering, while my children are attending.  My goal is to teach CCA students the importance of leading a healthy/active lifestyle while being a Christian athlete.